Below are questions I have received since starting this web site. I have tried my best to answer them. Please feel free to comment and rate them, and ask me any other questions you may have.

  • Specifically during days 3-6 how did you shampoo? (did you pat your head, or gently rub, etc.)?? Back to Top
    For the first 14 days the routine was the same with shampooing; mix the shampoo in a cup of water and GENTLY pour it over my head then rinse by slowly pouring water over my head by cup ONLY. I did a little bit of patting but not much at all. After 2 weeks of this my hair was looking quite greasy; it was pretty gross. My biggest disappointment was that I thought the first shower would be a great thing after the 2 weeks were up. NOPE. My scalp was extremely sensitive to pressure but at least I was able to gently rub my hair. I found that using a comb and constantly combing my hair while I was in the shower helped to remove the crusts. There will be a lot of that after 2 weeks.
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  • When did you start vigorously shampooing your scalp and hair (including graft area)? Back to Top
    After 2 weeks. I couldn't be too vigorous until about 3-4 weeks as my head was still sensitive.
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  • I just did my surgery Monday read ur blog how is ur hair now Back to Top
    It's awesome! I saw my mother last month (9 months) and hadn't seen her since the procedure. She said I look 20 years younger and can't even tell anything is done because they do one follicle at a time. I had a haircut the other day and the barbers were commenting on how small and clean the scar was from the donor area. Overall, it's a great job! Be patient with the hair. At around 3 or 4 months you will start to feel stubble and then it will just start to grow like crazy over the next few months.
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  • I'm a fireman. I was wondering how long u think i would have to be off work and how long did the pain last after ur surgery. Back to Top
    You really can't exert yourself for 14 days since you don't want to put excess pressure in your head and push any of the follicles out. They are like small paper cuts that have to heal. That also means that you won't want to wear a helmet either for fear of pulling them out.

    The pain was really from the suture. It was mostly gone when the suture came out. It was the thinnest thread but felt like a steel cable. It was hard to sleep with it in there. The Vicodin was a must. I tried not taking any drugs after a few days because I was feeling OK but I paid for it at night when I tried to rest my head back. That lasted for about a week and after the suture came out the pain was gone within a day for the most part.
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  • I was just wondering if you're happy with your end result? Back to Top
    I'm extremely happy. The look is totally natural and I think I would have been bald by now. The downsides are the suture was painful when laying down until it came out a week later and there is slight numbness in a few areas of my scalp from nerve damage. I guess the damage is caused when they take the skin strip and/or poke all of the little holes in your head for the transplants. You get used to it after a while. The bottom line is it was totally worth it.
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  • Did you regain full senses from the nerves in your donor area? Back to Top
    I did not regain full senses from the nerve damage but I'm pretty much used to it now.
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  • Have other parts of your hair (non operated) fall out since then? As additional hair falls out I wonder if it looks strange necessitating more procedures. Back to Top
    A lot of my original hair has fallen out since the procedure but the transplants are still in place. Only I notice it. The grafts were very well placed and random so people can't even tell. I have a friend who had several procedures done and when I told him I had it done he still couldn't tell.
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  • Are you using any medications or rogaine, to stop any further hairloss? Back to Top
    I don't take any drugs to stop hair loss. That's why I had the procedure....there were no future drugs involved.
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  • Since you had your procedure in 2008, are you still happy with the results? How many procedures have you had and how many grafts? Back to Top
    I only had the one procedure with 3000 grafts. I am noticing that the hair that was there has continued to thin. I may get another procedure one day but not until they get the hair cloning figured out. I think the worst part of the procedure was the suture in the back of my head. It was quite uncomfortable.
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  • Did you lose any of your existing hairs as well as transplanted ones? I feel I currently have LESS hair overall and am hopeful this is just normal and temporary and that they will come back eventually. Back to Top
    I continued to lose my existing hairs as expected but I don't think I lost any of the transplanted hairs.

    I am at about 20 months now and I would say the only lingering issue is I still have numb spots on my head from the cut nerves. Don't know if the feeling will ever come back. The scar is still sensitive at the ends but I guess that's normal with any scar.

    The bottom line though is it was totally worth it even with these lingering issues.
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  • When you talk about shock loss do you mean the transplanted hairs fall out and eventually grow back or do you mean the hair that you already have starts to fall out...and if that is the case does it grow back? Back to Top
    Yes, the transplanted hairs fall out and potentially your regular hair in the area that had the grafts put in. The transplanted hairs that fall out will grow back as they are going into a dormant state. The existing hairs may or may not grow back depending on if they were going to be falling out anyway, i.e., this may have just accelerated some of the hairs to fall out sooner rather than later.
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  • How did you deal with itching after the procedure? Back to Top
    I was very worried about the prospects of a very itchy scalp during the healing process and not being able to scratch. Fortunately for me, I had practically no itching. In anticipation of the itching, I put a topical, anti-dermatitis steroid called Diprolene on my scalp the day before the procedure hoping that it would help. I knew I wouldn't be able to put anything on my head while it was healing so I tried to preempt any itching by treating my scalp before itching could start. It seemed to work for me.

    I spoke to someone at Bosley about what I did and recommended that they do a study to see if it could be applied as part of their standard process. There haven't been any clinical trials on this so I'm thinking I may have stumbled across something really great here. Who knows if they will do this study but if you are going to get the procedure done, I would definitely recommend asking the doctor his opinion on pre-treating your scalp to alleviate potential itching.
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